Impacts of COVID-19: global research and funding with Graham Harrison

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About this episode

In this episode Jean-Claude talks to Graham Harrison about the need for a more formal structure for global science and research collaboration. He discusses the challenges of funding availability and finding and supporting the highest quality research. 

Graham shares his hope that budgets can recover following COVID-19, so that we can focus on the other challenges the world is facing. He speaks about building resilience in our systems so that we can be prepared for potential crises. 



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Graham Harrison

Graham Harrison is a consultant in science and technology at the World Bank, working in sub-Saharan Africa and south Asia. His focus has been the Africa Centers of Excellence project, supporting post-graduate education and research. 

He was the first Executive Secretary of the Global Research Council – an informal organization which promotes the sharing of best practice and collaboration among public research funders worldwide. 


Jean-Claude Burgelman

Jean Claude Burgelman is Professor of Open Science Policy at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and former Head of Unit for Open Science Policy at the European Commission, hosts in-depth conversations and analysis with leading experts in policy, business, and academia on the lessons and legacy of COVID-19.

He is the editor in chief for Frontiers’ Policy Labs.


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